New Year's Videos

What we do

What most poeple don't know is what we do, at Party Central, for the 24+ hours each year.

We usually watch some series or movies of some sort. For movies, we try to find a theme and watch movies that follow that theme. One year we watched the entire 'Silent Night, Deadly Night' franchise.

This year, it started with the suggestion of one move, 'Tootsie'. That lead to a theme for this year: 'Cross-dressing Movies'. So, what did the lead to? In about 5 minutes, we came up with this proposed viewing list:

I've changed it from the list it came out in to put together a tentative schedule so you can watch along with us. Times are EST, add 0500 for UCT/GMT. This should have the more 'kid friendly' stuff during the time they are up - 0700-2100 - with The Birdcage during nap time. Home Express Guestbook